Sunday, June 9, 2013


In last week’s blog I ended with:““C” is for: Coupons, Carpooling/Commute options, CouchSurfing, Creativity and whatever else comes to mind.”

Since then, many new “C” words have come to mind that really have little to do with living within our means and strategies for saving money.  I hope you’ll indulge me as I talk about some other things that are of particular importance.


Yes, it’s a place to shop and it’s great for bargains and buying in bulk.  I think I talked about COSTCO last week.  But, it’s also a place of employment and indeed my husband has returned to work at COSTCO. 

So, I can no longer say that we’re a family of four living on ½ of a salary.  Needless to say, even with him returning to work (in a part-time status), we’re still (and I’m afraid will always be) living on that Golden Shoestring and still adhering to our two major principles: 
We Don’t Spend More Than We Earn and

We Don’t Live In Debt.

It sure is nice to have more income, especially as we enter the summer months and a new chapter.


 Both of our daughters have culminated their school year.  While one moves on to seventh grade, the other moves on to a new chapter and to change.  She’s ended her high school career.  We officially celebrated on Saturday with a glorious graduation ceremony.  With that accomplishment comes a:



With the culmination of a school year come celebrations.  On Wednesday we celebrated our youngest daughter’s completion of another year of school.  On Thursday we began celebrating the completion of our oldest daughter’s high school career.  On Saturday there was a wonderful graduation ceremony.  From the graduation ceremony, the celebrations began.  The celebrations will being going on for quite some time!
Yes, college is on the horizon for our daughter and for many of her friends.  With the anticipation of college comes a host of new and exciting adventures.  Possibly moving away from home, settling into a housing situation, registering for classes, finding the classes, buying the insanely expensive college text books and pursuing a career.
I want to take a moment to talk about college costs.  I’m going to go off on a small rant here; I hope nobody minds.   As a parent of a soon-to-be college student, and as a working member of society, I loathe that we burden our young people….any college student…with so much debt.  I think it’s both morally wrong and financially a disaster to have a new college graduate burdened with excessive debt. 
I’m not saying that all debt is bad; nor am I saying that borrowing SOME money for college is necessarily a bad thing.  But finishing college and starting a career with multiple tens of thousands of dollars of debt is, in my opinion, downright foolish and insanely stressful.
I will do everything in my power to minimize the debt burden my daughter(s) have through their college career; furthermore, I will urge them to do everything they can to minimize their debt burden. 
It means finding money that is not tied to loans or earning money.  We’re trying to do both.  We’re on a bunch of different scholarship websites; unfortunately many of them involve signing up for wacky contents.  And we’re urging our daughter to get a summer job and if possible to find a job while she’s at college. 
I’m reminded of what my parents used to tell me when I was little: “Shari, money doesn’t grow on trees.”  to which I would like to add the following:
“College debt is not an outright necessity nor is an obligation.”
“Think before you borrow.”
“Find the “free” money”first (grants, scholarships, etc.)
 “Work, work, work…”
Okay, I think I’m done ranting for awhile.  But others aren't.  Here's a video about the student debt crisis.  It runs close to 30-minutes. 
I think I’ll pick up where I left off last week, in the next blog entry.  I do want to talk about some of the topics I mentioned, such as: cost cutting measures, coupons, carpooling/commute options, CouchSurfing and creativity. 
Oh – one last bit of news.  Our Airbnb business cards arrived.  Next step is to get them out into the public spaces. 
It's time for a disclaimer:
I’m not a financial planner, nor am I a business guru. What I am is a very practical person with (as my mother always said) “a good head on her shoulders”. I have good common sense and am old enough to trust my inner core and follow my instincts.


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